Bore licensing Perth – Do I need a Water Bore Licence?

Do I need a bore licence or permit for a water bore in Perth?

We often get  calls asking if a licence is needed for drilling a garden water bore in Perth suburbs. The answer is mostly no. The overwhelming majority of Perth suburban homes on residential blocks are OK for new water bores with no bore licensing applicable.

There are however exceptions which are mostly in semi-rural Perth metropolitan  fringe areas if the area to be irrigated is more than 2,000 sq metres.

Do i need a bore license to drill a bore in Perth?

Drilling another Perth garden bore

You can check here the guidelines for Bore licensing in Perth and surrounding suburbs. More specifically the general  exemptions from licencing that allow garden water bores in Perth that are particularly relevant are found here.

bore licence perth water bore licensing permit

We can help with any thing to do with bores or reticulation all over Perth

Below is an extract from the Department of Water guidelines which apply to Perth garden water bores.

“There are some activities that do not require a licence or permit. The following information outlines these exemptions.

Construct a well and take groundwater exemption

A licence is not required to construct a well or to take water if:

  1. The development is within the water table (non-artesian) aquifer; and
  2. Water is only used for domestic purposes such as:
  • domestic and ordinary use
  • watering an area of lawn or garden less than 0.2 ha
  • fire fighting
  • watering cattle or other stock not raised under intensive conditions as defined in section 21(4) of the Rights in Water and irrigation Act 1914.

Note: A licence will be required if the property requires more than 1500 kL/year from the groundwater resource in a proclaimed area.”

The Department of Water also has a tool here to  help you to determine if your proposed activities require approvals from the Department of Water.

Do I need a licence for a bore in Perth - Virgin Bores

Garden Bore Enquiries

For general enquiries about Perth garden bores please call Virgin Bores on 9246 0111 .  You can request an online bore quote here.

For more specific bore licence enquiries or if you have any doubt whether you need a water bore license you can call the Department of Water on 1800 508 885 or email  to confirm your licensing requirements.