Coastal Water Bore Perth


Want a Perth coastal water bore? Virgin Bores are experienced in drilling bores in Perth’s coastal suburbs. We would love to share our experience.

Today we are drilling a submersible water bore in the Perth coastal suburb of Waterman’s Bay just north of North Beach. We have drilled many bores along Perth’s coast and know the groundwater conditions well.

Probing for services before drilling

Probing for services before drilling

Drilling garden bore over low wall

Drilling garden bore over low wall

We have backed our water drilling rig down a long driveway and backed the drilling platform over a low wall. The depth to water for this coastal water bore is about 19 metres.  The ground conditions mean we will be drilling through sand and limestone. We will drill about 10 to 12 metres in to the superficial aquifer. With coastal water bores we are cautious not to go to deep. Salt water is more dense than the overlaying fresh water so the fresher water “floats”. In this submersible bore we are installing a 2 horsepower submersible pump. This will deliver well over 100 litres per minute. We chose a high output 17 stage pump to match the clients existing reticulation system which had until now been fed from a shared bore. Interestingly the old shared bore was coonected to a bore in the house across the street with the water pipe running under the road.

If you live near the coast in Perth and have been thinking about a coastal water bore Virgin Bores has got the necessary experience having been in business for over 16 years. Call one of our team on 9246 0111 and we can run through any questions you have have. We’ll tell you the depth to water at your house and the cost of a new water bore.